9 skincare products that are useful for your facial skin!
hi! meet us again!
This time we will discuss about beauty. How important is beauty to you? Of course all women in the world want to have a beautiful face, right?
1. skincare.
Who doesn't know the name of skincare? one of the products that support the beauty of women and even men in the world. but before trying to use these products, we must also pay attention to the suitability of our skin.
because not all skin is suitable for this product!
Before discussing more about skincare, it's a good idea for you to know in advance what is meant by skincare itself. This skincare is generally a series of skin care products that are used to maintain the health and beauty of facial skin.
a. face wash
who doesn't know this product?
Facial cleansing products, can clean the face thoroughly from the remnants of make 'up, dirt, and oil to the pores without stripping the skin of moisture and damaging the face. can brighten, clean, and also soften the skin.
b.face tonic
This face tonic (toner) is usually applied to the face before using face wash. Refreshment to treat skin, can make skin look fresher, brighter, and looks clean.
remove the remnants of milk cleanser (milk cleanser). Usually use cotton as a tool to apply to the face.
c. milk cleanser.
This milk cleanser is usually applied to the face before using a face tonic and face wash. Makes the skin look cleaner, brighter and brighter, cleanses the face and neck from dirt, oil and make-up residue from the face.
d. face scrub
This face scrub can clean and remove dead skin cells! can clean, brighten, and smooth your face!
https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/row-of-bottles-with-lotions-beauty-product-of-the-royalty-free-image-1619643868.?crop=0.856xw:0.428xh;0.0833xw,0.218xh&resize=980:*This serum is useful for whitening, smoothing, moisturizing, and, preventing the growth of acne! You can use it after cleansing your face! but according to the properties of each, especially compatibility.
f. day cream and night cream
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTq3Z9kqvWKw7-0dK1p_1mW33k5rCwUhh2Syg&usqp=CAUDay cream and night cream have different properties, you know! Day cream is designed to moisturize and protect the skin from environmental factors that can damage the skin such as ultraviolet rays and pollution. Day cream is also useful for preventing skin pigmentation from the sun and protecting the face from free radicals. It also retains moisture, smoothes and rejuvenates the skin.
While the night cream will improve the skin at night, when the condition of the face rest. That way, night creams contain much higher antioxidant nutrients than day creams. Night creams contain lots of essential fatty acids. These ingredients are usually found in sunflower oil, coconut juice, avocado extract oil and olive oil extract, so they are considered more able to counteract and reduce the effects of wrinkles on the face, because with age collagen and skin elasticity decrease. Therefore, night creams contain a lot of collagen to provide protein for skin tissue.
g. acne pack
1.acneacnes powder lotion
make the face soft, scream evenly when the face cream has been cleaned, until evenly distributed and don't rinse!
2. acne sealing jelly
helps treat acne prone skin and maintain skin softness. Use on acne prone areas!
3. Acnes Face Wash Oil Control, reduce excess oil
4. Acnes Face Wash Deep Pore, prevents blackheads
5. Acnes Face Wash Yogurt,
6. Acnes Face Wash Complete White, brighten and fade acne scars
7. Acnes Foaming Wash, cleans dirt and oil on the face
fight acne-causing bacteria
8. Acnes Creamy Wash, treats acne prone skin
9. Acnes Oil Control Milk Cleanser, makes skin supple
h. skin moisturizer
https://imgx.sonora.id/crop/47x0:724x406/700x465/photo/2021/09/03/pelembab-wajahjpg-20210903040744.jpg Moisturizer is a youth facial moisturizer with natural ingredients to help maintain and protect the natural moisture of facial skin.
i. aloevera
moisturize the skin.
The gel is able to lock in skin moisture, and acts as a 'glue' to keep skin cells on the skin's surface. The many benefits of aloe vera for the skin, making it a mainstay ingredient in facial care products.
thanks, that's all from us! See you at another time!
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